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Article: Diplomatic Council

Bartosz Marciszewski, CEO firmy CONSTEEL Electronics, doradca szefa Polskiej misji Diplomatic Council do spraw automatyki przemysłowej

We advise on industrial automation projects for the Diplomatic Council

Bartosz Marciszewski, president of the management board of CONSTEEL Electronics, associated with the automation industry since 2010. Enthusiast of intelligent solutions in the smart energy, smart grid, BMS, factory automation and digitalization sectors. Through the implementation of foreign contracts he promotes Polish business internationally. Since 2023, he has been an advisor to the head of the Polish Diplomatic Council mission for industrial automation.

Strengthening and promoting beyond borders

A prosperous economy that ensures the well-being of mankind is one of the best guarantors of peace, this is one of the watchwords of the international association Diplomatic Council, with which we, as Consteel Electronics, completely identify. We have been a member of the Diplomatic Council since 2023, where we share our expertise in selecting the latest communication technologies in the automation industry and the experience we have gained from teletechnical and industrial projects.

What is the Diplomatic Council?

The Diplomatic Council is an organisation of business experts and consultants from around the world. Its main objective is to promote international understanding in economic methods including areas such as IoT, development and industrial automation. Diplomatic Council members share the view that economic diplomacy provides a solid basis for global understanding and more peaceful interactions between nations. Talking and collaborating in business is important and has a number of benefits on a global level.

The future is digitalisation and IoT

Technology, IoT and digitalisation is one of the areas that the Diplomatic Council covers. The advancement of technology and the automation of the world around us is the mechanism that drives development, so the task is to bring together selected entrepreneurs from all over the world and facilitate the sharing of knowledge gained from a variety of projects. As a member of the Diplomatic Council, we have even broader access to partners with whom we share current knowledge of modern technology and digitalisation. Together, by broadening our horizons with the experience of international experts, we are able to provide our clients with world-class competence.

The values of the council and its members are first and foremost:

Environmental and climate action

Caring for the environment is important to us, and we agree that the maximum possible effort must be made to bring to market products whose creation and use will have a minimal impact on the environment. Sustainability and climate protection in today's world should become a priority, for any growing company, and industries in the field of industrial automation should operate in such a way as to expose the environment to degradation processes as little as possible.

Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud

As a member of the diplomatic council, we support the principles of healthy competition and promote free trade between partners around the world. We respect anti-corruption and anti-trust laws.

Prevention of money laundering

We comply with the rules to prevent money laundering and any related activities.

Protection and respect of human and labour rights

We respect the rights of the worker and comply with labour laws in accordance with the rules of our country. We oppose all forms of forced labour and child labour. The protection and promotion of international human rights are of the utmost importance to us.

Data protection and information security

Security first. We protect our customers' data and information and only use it where necessary for the tasks of our cooperation.

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