2-3 weeks

IoT Edge Controller with Microsoft Azure Certificate.
WISE (Web Inside, Smart Engine) is a product series developed by ICP DAS that functions as control units for use in remote logic control and monitoring in various industrial applications. WISE offers a user-friendly and intuitive web site interface that allows users to implement IF-THEN-ELSE control logic on controllers just a few clicks away; no programming is required. With the built-in IF-THEN-ELSE logic engine, WISE can execute the automation logic in a stable and efficient way, and it also provides mathematic operation, Schedule and Email alarm message sending functions.
WISE provides more supports in I/O module connection, I/O data logging and IoT platform integration. It allows connection to XV-board, DCON I/O modules, and Modbus TCP/RTU Slave modules all together. The wide range of selection options enables flexibility in I/O module integration to meet the requirements from various applications. WISE provides the MQTT client, it can directly connect to the major public IoT Cloud platform (such as: Microsoft Azure or IBM Bluemix) and MQTT Broker.
WISE also provide well thought-out CGI command functions to integrate with IP camera for the Access Control applications. Based on the ability as I/O module connection ability, Intelligent logic control, Data logging, and various communication protocols supported (SNMP, MQTT and Modbus TCP/RTU), WISE can help the IT/MIS/MES/SCADA system to manage the field side I/O modules and sensors efficiently in the application such as Unmanned Facility Room Monitoring, Intelligent Factory and Environment Monitoring. WISE is not just a Concentrator of I/O modules and Sensors; it is also a Gateway to transfer the sensor data to IoT Cloud platform.
- Support 3G wireless data communication
- Runs on browsers, no extra software tool is required
- No more programming, Web pages provided for control logic editing
- IF-THEN-ELSE logic rules execution ability
- Support DCON or Modbus RTU Slave modules
- Support Modbus TCP Slave modules (Up to 16)
- Timer and Schedule functions supported
- Data logger and data files send back function supported
- Active I/O sending function for real-time data transfer
- CGI Command sending and receiving function supported for IP Camera and Network device
- Support Modbus TCP/RTU, SNMP, FTP and MQTT protocols
- Support Line, SMS and Email real-time message transmission
- Support Connection with IoT Cloud Platform (Microsoft Azure and IBM Bluemix)
- Support IoTstar Cloud Management Software
Manufacturer's warranty: 12 months
Certificates: CE, FCC
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, 5231m
, 3gwa
, internet
, things
, microsoft
, azure
, certified
, icpdas
, WISE-5231M-3GWA
, Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT