What do you need to consider when choosing an industrial 5G router?

Industrial 5G Router latest-generation 5G routers are used in various industrial projects, especially where wireless communication is a necessity. When building a wireless network for a company or factory, a device typically designed for industry is a better solution. In the case where we do not have a strictly given specification of the device intended for a particular project it is hard, it is difficult to make the correct choice of industrial 5G router. Below we suggest what to pay attention to when choosing one, so that it meets our expectations and features impeccable performance. Because it is not always worth suggesting a brand name, it is sometimes worth choosing something less popular with much better technical parameters.

Security of IoT devices-What security features should a industrial 5G router have?

There is no question about security. When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT), it's a priority. A good security system can effectively avoid data theft and all the unpleasant consequences associated with it. Therefore, when buying a industrial 5G router, it is worth checking what security features it has. The most common security features in routers are:

  • APV/VPN is a secure tunnel function for data transmission. There are many VPN transmission protocols, among which openVPN and IPSec protocols are the most widely used and comprise the majority of solutions, while other transmission protocols are relatively less frequently used. Therefore, before buying a 5G router, it is worth checking what VPN protocol your network requires.
  • A firewall or Firewall is a security barrier between the LAN and WAN. Through the basic settings of the firewall, you can shield part of the IP address of the internal network and free IP address setting and filter communication ports and so on. During data transmission, the most important value of the firewall is to prevent hackers and viruses from attacking. If any 5G industrial router does not have a firewall, you can choose not to buy one.
  • Watchdog Timer is a simple device that allows you to track the proper operation of the system and when it is suspended, it is responsible for restoring the system to pre-failure operation. It is mainly used to ensure the safety of projects that need to work continuously for long periods of time.

Stability-Functions of industrial equipment that guarantee stable operation.

Stability is a key feature for industrial devices including 5G routers. It is a very important feature. Industrial 5G routers characterized by high stability, which directly affects the overall course of industrial processes. When choosing a specific device, it is worth paying attention to those features described below, which guarantee stable operation of industrial 5G routers.

  • Industrial-grade high-speed 5G transmission modules designed for operation in harsh environments.
  • An essential feature of the industrial-grade 5G router is the CPU with 32-bit ARM. Unlike serial routers, industrial devices have up to three times the data transmission rate to ensure stable transmission of the flow of large amounts of information, while consuming as little power as possible.
  • The metal housing provides protection not only from external factors such as high and low temperatures and precipitation, but also protects against radiation and electromagnetic interference.
  • An important feature in industrial routers are circuit protection functions, which should ensure EMC electromagnetic compatibility, industrial structure protection, ESD (interface) antistatic design, EFT antipulsation. The use of high-quality materials ensures the stability of the board. With industrial circuit protection design, the circuit transmission system is stable and reliable.
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  • AdaptedTCP/IP protocol stack provides excellent network communication performance and greatly reduces the probability of connection dropout.
  • Functional memory is an important element affecting router stability. With the function of receiving data packets during the release of data sent by users, stable transmission is ensured, and data packets will not be lost.
  • Wide voltage range allows the router to be matched under other project devices with a different voltage range.
5G Router by Four-Faith